

Ischemic Stroke

Endpoint parameters

Neutrojen S 105 Supraselective
(Intra- arterial carotid / basilar route)

Neutrojen S 105 Proprietary biologic / Bone Marrow derived mononuclear cells (autologous trial)

1Y: 30D, 3M, 6M, 12M, Baseline diagnostic tests, complete blood count; platelets, RBC, WBC, PT, PTT, Glucose, DSA & CT arteriogram, cerebral angiography / MR angiogram / arteriogram, Carotid ultrasonography, Carotid angiography, echo/electrocardiogram, Gadolinium MRI Brain & Spine, Los Angeles Pre- hospital Stroke Screen – LAPSS, ABCD composite score, 25 foot walk test (ambulatory subjects), end-point MRI, tests for recognized genetic mutations; NOTCH3

Immunosuppression, neurogenesis, revascularization, improved walking gate, walk-time, change in facial drooping, weakness, speech difficulties, change in blood characteristics, change in lesion volume, blood vessel abnormalities (if detected in baseline MRI / CT)

Inclusion criteria: Ischemic Stroke: thrombotic and embolic diagnosis, atherosclerosis indication, neurologic dysfunction post transient ischemic attack; M/F (Ag18-70), CCSVI rule-out via CTV/MRV, Pulmonary embolism negative (preferable rule-out via CTA) detection of Migraine aura, Seizures, Syncope, Peripheral vestibular disturbance, Transient global amnesia, Functional/anxiety disorder, Amyloid ‘spells’ and cerebral convexity subarachnoid hemorrhage and Structural brain lesions may exclude subjects, recognized genetic mutations may disqualify patients

Somata Supraselective – Neutrojen-S 105

For stroke patients

Stroke affects crucial muscular and sensory functions of the body that are controlled by neurons (brain cells), distressed or cut off from vital blood supply in parts of the brain. Ischemic strokes are characterized by symptoms observed as a result of inadequate blood circulation, causing neuronal starvation and autophagy, oxygen deficiency and toxin buildup in the brain. Hemorrhagic strokes damage neurons due to excessive bleeding inside the brain that adds unceasing discomforts like severe headaches. Lesions detected through magnetic resonance imaging may characterize the degenerating brain cells, usually growing over time. Early stage treatments focus on surgically repairing the internal bleeding and medication to gradually remove any flow obstructions such as blood clots; although these conditions may not fully disappear, rendering constant neurological deterioration. Obstructed blood vessels may not successfully vascularize on their own, within a timeframe that would allow the distressed neurons to reabsorb nutrition from the improved blood flow and reinstate all of the affected body functions. Over time, these neurons reach a stage of damage beyond self-recovery. Lack of timely treatments or their effectiveness may therefore cause the secondary symptoms or debilities in stoke patients to remain throughout their lifetime.

Somata Supraselective ST

Our minimally invasive patented autologous procedure focuses on rejuvenating alternate blood pathways in the brain and regenerating permanently damaged brain tissue using stem cells from your own body. The Somata Supraselective ST (SS-ST) effectively halts the progressing disabilities in stroke patients and improves their overall quality of life.

The adult stem cells used in SS-ST are cells from your own body that can renew themselves and turn into other cells (differentiate). They live inside all of us in various tissues, poised to leap into action to repair damage as it occurs. As we age or have big injuries, we may not be able to recruit enough of these cells to the site to fully repair the area. Somata Supraselective Procedures help overcome this problem by extracting stem cells from an area of high volume, then concentrating the cells and reinjecting them into the damaged area to help the body heal naturally.

Supraselective Neutrojen-S 105

Neutrojen-S accelerates vascularization and neurogenesis in Stroke patients, halting progression and aiding reversal of the symptoms over time. It is a stem cell based-growth factor blend specially designed to repair vessels, build new vascular pathways to improve circulation in blood-deprived regions of the brain and regenerate damaged neurons. Upon supraselective administration, Neutrojen-S automatically detects damaged blood vessels and stressed neuronal regions and begins mobilizing specific stem cells to start repair and regeneration in those regions to improve blood flow and replace damaged neurons with new tissue.

Somata Genesis has developed cultured stem cell blends along with thousands of growth factor adaptations for specific diseases to regenerate neuronal and endothelial tissue in more severe and complicated conditions. Our proprietary stem cell formulations, each specifically developed to modify a wide range of disease severities, are the tool of choice for injuries and other degenerative conditions that may be more significant than what may be treated with the Somata Supraselective autologous procedures.

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