The Texas-based Frito-Lay corporation, whose parent company is PepsiCo, has been caught selling deadly processed food products that contain both genetically modified (GM), pesticide-producing “corn” and Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide (glyphosate), which is scientifically linked to…
These Chips are Poisonous to Humans. Linked to Hormone Disruption and Kidney Failure
How Statins Cause Heart Problems; Use These Natural Solutions Instead
In the past, some MDs have proposed that statin drugs should be put into our water supplies and handed out to fast food customers. As if fluoridated water posing as a necessary mass medicine that…
Fluoride Officially Classified As A Neurotoxin In World’s Top Medical Journals
Evidence of how negatively fluoride can impact our health has been increasing in rapid pace throughout the past few years. People are hoping that by bringing awareness to this that somehow we can get sodium fluoride…
Jim Carrey: 'CDC Is Poisoning Our Children With Vaccines'
Over the years, Canadian actor, Jim Carrey has made his thoughts clear on the dangers of vaccines, most notably speaking out against new legislation making it 'mandatory' for school children to be vaccinated in California.…
Study: Drinking Wine is More Important than Exercise to Living Past 90
Living long enough to see your children and grandchildren grow is priceless. Unfortunately, not many people are lucky enough for this to happen. Living Longer With…Wine? Although medicine has significantly progressed over time and has…